Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hibernation Pajama Day

The children created caves for hibernating bears using butcher paper.

Here's our big class cave.  The children have been pretending to be hibernating bears.

The children were so excited to come to school in their pjs with their special friends
and sleeping bags.  Their special friends accompanied them all day and got star treatment.
We had a sleepover/ hibernation party!
Storytime/ "Bear Snores On" and "Is It Winter?"
We popped popcorn.
Hannah: It's changing!
Amanda: It's popping!
 It was so much fun to observe and listen to the process.

Circle time in our sleeping bags!
The little bear woke up!
We took our flashlights and special friends on our "Bear Hunt".
We walked through the wheat field, over the bridge, climbed the tree, went in a boat over the river and we found him
in..........the cave in our room...ROAR!

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