Sunday, December 15, 2013

Music and Movement

I'm a little snowman short and fat
This is my broom stick
This is my hat

When the sun comes out I melt away
Oops I'm a puddle!

Vertical Skills

With our art center always open,
it's typical for child to sit down with a paper, scissors, and pencil
and amazing to watch them begin to create
while at the same time develop their vertical skills.

Counting and Literacy

Skills: Counting, Matching, Identifying numbers and words

Peg Poards

We introduced the Peg Boards this week. 
They are great for counting, sorting and logical thinking.
The children naturally began making patterns.

Numbers, Counting, and Literacy

The children created a snowman numbers game. 
They matched and pasted stickers
according to the amounts written on the hats.
Some of the children were able to match the words to the numbers.

Snow Tracks

After creating many tracks in the fresh snow.
We compared sizes and types of tracks.
We found some animal tracks and identified them.

After the Snow Play

Those yummy faces back in the warm!

We are practicing organizing our outdoor attire when we come back inside from playing in the snow.
The children pair and line up their boots, lay out the rest of their clothes to dry.

The children have learned to respect our space.  We make sure to take off our wet things on the mat.

Liquid to Solid

We found the water in our outdoor water table frozen!
We tried breaking the ice but it was solid!
This lead into a great conversation about the weather, temperature, liquids, and solids.
We concluded that we needed sun for it to melt.
The next day, we checked again.  It was still frozen.
Everyday we check and chart the results.

Using tools to try to break the ice.

Literacy in the Snow

The children used sticks to form letters in the snow!

Snow Boarding!

This was a great activity.  Besides for the fun the children had, it encouraged great
skills.  The children formed an ordered line and took turns, the children helped one another by bringing the board
back up the hill, and helping their friends on to the board, and pulling it down the hill.

Walking back up the hills was great for our large motor skills!


On Monday we were greeted with the first signs of winter!
Snow!  What greater way to experience it, than outside with our friends!!
We got straight to work on our snowman!

Hannah forms letters in the snow.

Our tracks!

Our grounds are perfect for sledding, snow tubing, snow boarding, and just sliding down the hills!
Morah Mimi keeps referring to the way we dress as Eskimos.
Next week we will discuss why...
Angles in the snow!
There's nothing like forming angels in fresh clean snow right in the middle of the storm!

Working on a snowman

Playing tag the tree!
Exploring the snowy grounds!



Our playground full of snow is great for hide and seek!
It was thrilling to get onto a swing full of snow!
Underground! No snow!