Sunday, March 23, 2014

Purim Characters

 The children all chimed in on the characters: Achashveirosh:
Hannah: He's the silly king.
He listened to  everyone else..
Sammy: He used their head.
Jordan: He wears a dress( robe) and a cape.
Sammy: King achashveirosh was the king of The world in Shushan.

Sammy: Rabbi and was very nice.
Jordan: He was leader of the Jewish people.
Hannah: He was Jewish and had Jewish things in his house and he was nice and he told everyone to be nice...
Aiden: He's the rabbi
Hannah: taught us to be nice and kind and daven for us
Sammy: He taught us that hashem always watches out for us.

Jordan: He was mean.
Amanda: He wanted to hurt the Jewish people.
Hannah: He wants to take away the Jewish people and he's mad and he told everyone bow down to me.
Sammy: When someone fell he laughed at them instead of helping.

Jordan: She was very nice.
Amanda: She'ss mean and knocks down blocks.
Hannah: She didn't want to go to the party.
Aiden: She's wearing pink.
Sammy:She said give me that...didn't say nice words like please.

Jordan: Shes nice.
Amanda: She wears a crown...Achashveirosh chose her queen.
Hannah: She helped people, and was very kind.

Purim Charachter Crowns

After identifying the characters, the children matched up the shapes to the correct cut out.
It was so nice to see them helping each other out.

So many skills...Identifying the characters, peeling stickers, matching shapes and hats etc.

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Purim Story

While learning about King Achashveirosh, we learned that he lived in a palace and had a beautiful throne.
We looked at pictures of palaces and thrones from around the world.

Queen Vashti was mean and forced people to do thing for her.  She didn't ask respectfully with a nice kind voice.
King Acahshveirosh was silly and didn't use his own brain to think.
He followed others even if it was the right choice.
Kind, sharing and respectful Esther became the new queen.
Mordecahi is a great leader and teaches everyone to be kind, and nice to each other and learn torah.
Rabbi Mordechai and Esther's house filled with Mitzvot.
King Achashveirosh
Haman was mean and wanted all to bow down to him, but Mordechai was very brave and refused.
He said:" I bow down only to Hashem and I'm proud to be a Jew"
Haman is not happy!

Mordechai tells all the Jewish people to do Mitzvot and lean Torah and Hashem will help us!
The Megillah/ Story of Purim teaches us so many lessons.
One of them are that although we can't see Hashem, he's always there just in hiding. 
Hashem loves us and watches over us.

Make noise when Haman's name is said!!

Calamondin, Snack, Counting, Graphs

Amanda brought in calamondins for snack.  We observed it and decided it looked like it was from
the orange family.  We guessed right!

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At first the children hesitated eating something new. 
Morah Mimi googled it and we learned that you can eat it with or without the peel.
Everyone tried and it was a hit!!!
Aiden and Amanda loved the peel while Sammy preferred it peeled.
It was a challenge peeling such a mini orange!!
As we realized there were pits, the children got so excited and wanted to eat as many as possible to collect more.
Surprise....not everyone of them had pits, so it was fun to try to get one with.
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At the end we counted our pits.

..and graphed it:)

Band-aid Fun

Every time we spoke about the Doctor, the children mentioned band-aids.
We read a book about a boy and girl who hurt themselves and get band-aids.
We used band-aids in all shapes and colors to form a band-aid person.

Going to the Doctor

Dr. Amanda: What's the problem?
Aiden: I'm sick.
Dr. Amanda: Don't worry, I'll take care of you.

Dr. Amanda giving Aiden's mom a report: Make sure he takes his medicine!
Amanda: Hello, how can I help you?  Ok....just lie down and take a good rest.
You can play with your toys if you need to.
Sammy set up her own station and used the calculator as her phone to report on the baby's health.
Sammy: Sh baby, you'll be ok.  Be a good girl and take your medicine, so that you feel better.
Morah Mimi is the patient.
Amanda reports why she came to the Dr.: I have a little fever and I'm stuffy.

Aiden:  It's ok....just go to sleep.