Sunday, March 23, 2014


Morah Mimi:  Sometimes we can have an emergency.  Do you know what an emergency is?
Sammy: When something bad happens.
Hannah: When you need the police.
Jordan: When you go into an ambulance.
Chana: When you go to the emergency room.
Who do we call for an emergency?
Jordan: the ambulance
Hannah: The Policeman
Amanda: The fireman
Who calls?
Children: Mommy, Daddy
Morah Mimi: Yes, that's right.  A Mommy and Daddy call for emergencies only.
Bec. the Firefighters, Policemen and Paramedics are very busy. 
Do you know who we call if something is wrong and it's not an emergency?
A doctor, a friend etc.
But if there's an emergency we must call for emergency help.  Do you know how?
Hannah: something with 1 and 9

The children learned that in extreme situation where there's no one around or something happened to our Mommy, Daddy, Nanny and there are no adults around, we call a special number that gets us help right away.

The children took turns dialing.  Morah Mimi showed them that it was not connected.
If it were, we would not be able to because it would take the servicemen away from the work they need to do.
Hello, I need help!

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