Friday, December 6, 2013

Menorah Drawings/ Number Concepts

We introduced oil pastels to our art center.  The Menorah was placed in middle of the table with a word card "Menorah" next to it.  Naturally the children gathered around and began to draw the Menorah using the pastels.
They realized that it had a diff texture and experimented using them in different ways.  The children realized that pastels should be used gently and they should write softly with it.
As they began to draw the Menorah, Morah Mimi suggested that they count the branches first.
Skills:  Counting, association, independence, literacy

The children count the branches on the Menorah.
They grasp the concept of skipping the Shamash in the middle!

They discuss how to go about drawing the Menorah.  They give each other ideas.

Hannah (on her own) counts her branches and realizes that she only has 7.
She adds another branch and Shamash in the middle.

Jordan wants to be creative and decides to draw a 4 branch Menorah, because it fits better:)
The children use the word card to write "Menorah" on top of their drawings.
Skill: Self confidence

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