Monday, December 9, 2013

Science Experiment: Oil and Water

In line with our Chanukah theme and the miracle of the oil, we wanted to see what is special about oil.
We brought our a few diff. liquids: lemon juice, vinegar, honey, food coloring, and oil.
After filling our cups with water, we began to hypothesize.
Morah Mimi explained that will be adding the liquids to the water.  Of course the children quickly "offered" to take their favorite choices:)
Morah Mimi: What do you think will happen when we add it to the water?
Hannah: It will fall to the bottom.  It will sink.
Chana: It will mix all around.
Sammy: It will go inside.
Amanda:  It will mix inside.
Aiden: It will mix. 
Jordan: Maybe it will float?
The children fill their cups half way with water.
Skill: Measuring, observation, number concept
What happens when we add the vinegar?  It mixed with the water. 

What happens when we add the food coloring? The water turned yellow.  It mixed inside.
Chana is thrilled that she guessed right.

What happens when we add the green food coloring?
It too mixes and colors the water green.
Skill: Independence (they all pour on their own), measurement (pour a drop)

Sammy does a great job adding lemon juice from the heavy bottle.  We observe that she uses two hands and towards the top to carry the weight.
The lemon juice mixes with the water as well.

The honey is a bit heavy.  We observe that Amanda needs to press hard, because it's a thick liquid.
What happens to the honey????
It sank to the bottom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The children are amazed.
Hannah: Because it's heavy!!

When Batsheva our visitor adds the oil, the attention is at her and the oil.
What will happen to the oil?
The children begin to shout (respectfully:): It's floating, it's floating!!!

Our experiment taught us something special about oil: it always floats to the top.
We discussed how we can float to the top!
The children gave great ideas: Being respectful, sharing. being happy, help clean, give tzedakah....
Great collaboration!
The oil rising to the top!!

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