Sunday, February 2, 2014

Experiment: How Do Animals Keep Warm

Morah Mimi: We will be doing an experiment today.  Who remembers what an experiment is?
Sammy: an activity...not to play with but you do something real
Hannah:  experiment is something you do with all kids of stuff
and sometimes you can put leaves in it.
Jordan: you can make different colors or volcanoes
or put two balls together, and you can make cooking

Morah Mimi: An experiment is something we do to see what's going to happen.
You need to use your eyes to observe/ look and see

(and pointing to my head) Hannah calls out: "brain"

Morah Mimi: yes we need to use our brain to predict/ give a good guess what will happen.

Morah Mimi brought an Icicle into class and all the students were so excited
to observe it and of course feel it.
Morah Mimi: Do you think you can hold this.
Of course everyone shouted yes.
However, at the end we all agreed that it was very cold and we could not keep our hands on it past counting to number ten.
Then we filled a glove with margarine.  Morah Mimi explained that it was a type of fat.
We looked at our body and felt the fat in our body.
Morah Mimi explained how the fat around our bones protects it.
The children were excited to find the fat all over their bodies from head to toe.
Chana noticed that it makes our bodies soft:)

We placed our hands on the glove and then the other directly on the ice
Morah Mimi: What will happen with the hand that we place on the glove?
Some of the children answered that it would stay warm like gloves.
Morah Mimi: Let's try it out.

We realized that we were able to hold onto the ice without an issue with the glove of fat.
We connected it to the animals.
The animals eat to create a fat coating on their bodies to keep them warm.
Many animals hibernate because they can't find enough food to build up fat on their bodies.

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