Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Apple Tree's Discovery

After using apples for measuring oursleves,
Morah Mimi read the "Apple Tree's Discovery".
The Apple Tree just wanted stars to hang on his braches
like the other trees.  He wasn't satisfied with his
beautiful branches, shade he provided, and delicious apples.
It wasn't until G-d showed him his very own stars in his apples that
he realized he too has stars.
Morah Mimi wanted us to take a lesson from the tree
and recognize that we are all unique and special in our
own ways.

The chidlren were delighted to find the star inside the apple.

After reading the story, Morah Mimi asked the children
what makes them special.
What makes me special?
Hannah: I have a dog.
Sammy: Because my Mommy loves me!
Amanda: My Daddy loves me!
Chana: My Mommy loves me.
Aiden: I went apple picking with my friend.
Some of the children want to add....
Hannah: I can write my name.
Amanda: I love to play with my baby and my big girl toys
Jordan: I can play and paint.

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