Friday, October 4, 2013

Acorns, Pumpkins, Squash, Gourds, and.....Shopping!

Every time we walk outside we hear the acorns fall from the trees!
We decided to collect them.  We use our collections inside the classroom and outside.
They are used as acorns, ice cream, money and more!
We noticed that the caps are splitting open as they fall.
Amanda finds a cap.
Working together.
We peel the shell to find the nut inside.
Acorn discussion!
Aiden listening to the cracking sounds of the acorns.
Hannah examining the inside of an acorn.
I set a collection of fall produce on our kitchen table.  For the first few days the children observed it.  Then they began to feel it.  This lead into a discussion of touch, weight (which ones are heavier), types and more.
And then the children turned it into a store. First they used the wooden mushrooms as money and then asked Morah Mimi for "real"money.

The children requested purses to hold their money.

But a woman always goes fancy when she shops, so Chana requested jewelry.  Of course the all the girls joined:)

Hannah decided that her animals need jewelry too!
Our cashier:)

Notice: the shopping cart and jewelry found their way to the clay area as well!

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