Thursday, October 3, 2013

Simchat Torah

Morah Mimi taught us all about our Special Torah.  We learned that it's a gift from Hashem/ G-d and it teaches us how to behave.  It teaches us how to be kind, friendly, happy, giving, loving and more.  It also tells us stories that teaches us lessons.
Every week on Shabbat we read a portion of the Torah.  On Simchat Torah we finish reading the "Whole Torah" and start reading it again.
We are so happy!  We sing and dance with the Torah.
Song: Hashem gave us a present, do you know what it was?
He gave us the Torah to treasure and love
It has so many mitzvot and stories to tell
and teaches us how to behave very well

Morah showed us a Yad/ Hand pointer used to read the Torah.  We were so excited to touch  and examine it.
We also learned a new hebrew word for hand/ yad!

We went to the Aron Kodesh/ Holy Ark to see and kiss our special Torahs.  Morah showed us the Silver special crown for our very special Torahs.  Morah Mimi: Who wears a crown?  Amanda: A princess!
Morah Mimi:  Our Torah is so special and that's why we cover it with a very special crown! 

We all take turns to wear the crown.

Kissing the Torah

Morah showed us the special letters in the Torah, the Hebrew Aleph Bet!  We found the letter Bet which is the first letter in the Torah.  We also found Taf that Torah begins with.  Then all the children found the letter that begin with their name.

The children created Simchot Torah flags to dance with.
First, they cut out the picture with them holding the Torah and glued it on.  They discussed what direction would be the best to place it.  A few children glued them upside down, but after examining it, they changed directions on their own.
Next, they chose hebrew letter. Then, they chose "10" sequins...more discussions and interaction about how many and which ones:)
After, Morah helped us punch holes, and the children cut their chosen string and tied it to the flags!
Great Job!!
Simchat Torah Parade!
Practicing Mitzvot in the Torah.  Amanda sharing with Aiden:)
Sammy: Chana I like you!  You're my friend.

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