Thursday, October 3, 2013

Art, Dramatic and Block Play

As a follow up to our Paper Mache Etrog (which turned out more like the earth, because Morah Mimi blew the balloon a little too big:), the children were fascinated how hard it turned and had a great experience popping the balloon.  They were mesmerized as  each of them popped the balloon and yet the shape remained.  The best part was seeing how once we popped it and the air came flying out, the balloon shriveled inside.  It was so magical. 
The children enjoyed working and playing with them.  Because of the size, I saved them and will bring them out later in the year again when we talk about the earth, as the shape will work.  I'd like to see if the children can make that connection as well.

The children recently have been insisting on going to the playgroud.  However, Morah Mimi wanted to see some more creative play outside.  I added buckets and shovels to the playground area and tra turned into an Ice Cream Shop.  After a minute, Aiden said he was making Ice Cream, everyone came to join.  This turned into a two week project.  The children collect mulch and rock and bring them into the store to make the ice cream and sell it.  It's wonderful to see them work together, communicate and take turns being the storekeeper.  We have  "Moms taking their children to the store and so much more...."

Sammy and Amanda sit down and interact through the natural materials at the art area.
Mommy Sammy took Baby Amanda to the beach where they collected sea shells and twigs.

A very sturdy building with a garage.
The children worked together to figure how to get the sides tall enough to fit cars inside.
At fist they used the small square blocks, they changed to the rectangular ones, but in a side way position it still didn't work.  Finally, they used the cylinder blocks:)

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